About Greater Apostolic Church Of Christ
He was the Lamb of God, according to the flesh, the very God Himself according to the Spirit; As the Holy Ghost, re-generator and perfecter of those who believe. He is the is the head and organizer of the Church, and the Divine Executor in the world. We believe that we should earnestly contend for God’s standard of salvation, a holy Spirit-filled life in this present world. We believe in the remission of sin by baptism in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe that if we live for him in this present world we shall reign with Him when He shall return for His church.
Church History
We would not be who we are and where we are today, had it not been for these Spirit-filled and Spirit-led trailblazers. Today, we continue striving to be a praying church, seeking to be among many others in continuing the work of Christ till He comes. It is our delight that Greater Apostolic Church is a House of Prayer for all Nations. Salvation is offered unto all who come; for our God is not a respecter of persons. You are welcome here to worship Almighty God with us.
Our Pastor And First Lady
Pastor Terrence E Brown know as “Terry” was born February 8, 1956 in the city of Akron, Ohio. He is the middle sibling of 5 with a older brother and sister and a younger brother and sister. He was raised mostly through foster care in Akron and Youngstown respectively. Pastor Brown served three years in the Marine Corp and was honorably discharged (1973-1976). After going back to Akron, he met Denise Brown whom he married July 3, 1977 in Zanesville, Ohio. They are the proud parents of two sons, Eric and Theron, and one daughter Anna Brown and a number of short-term foster children.

Upon the two seeking God, they were led of God to Greater Apostolic Church of Christ and were saved the early part of 1980 under the pastorate of Elder James Gaiters who has become a Bishop and Diocesan of the Ohio District Council. They both worked in various areas of the ministry such as cleaning, kitchen help, transportation, teaching, auxiliaries, and ministering the Word. Pastor Brown was called to preach during 1983. He was chosen of God through Pastor Gaiters to be his successor of which took effect on August 20, 1989.
Pastor Brown has been blessed of God to continue to this day through the strong support of Lady Denise Brown, dedicated members of Greater Apostolic Church of Christ, and wonderful people in Zanesville.
Our Purpose
- To establish and maintain a place of worship for the citizens of this community.
- To conduct such services as are in harmony with the Bible for edification, commemoration, and confirmation of those for who Jesus died.
- To lift up the fallen, visit the sick, strengthen the weak, encourage the faint-hearted, comfort the feeble-minded, point the lost to the way of salvation, and to urge all believers to seek the Spirit-filled life and prepare for the coming of the Lord
- To own, hold in trust, use, or otherwise possess, sell, convey, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of such property, real or chattel, as may be needed for the prosecution of its work.
Moreover, it is our indispensible duty, as partakers of the “Royal Priesthood” to offer supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks for all men: for kings, presidents, governors, magistrates and all who are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. And to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.